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Archives: 2016

Show The One You Love That You Really Care

Valentine's Day often conjures up images of hearts, flowers, and chocolates. But you can show the one you love that you care every day of the year by ensuring that you have a life insurance policy. Your loved one will appreciate that you took the time to put this protection in place should an unexpected accident or illness occur. Life insurance provides your loved one...

Protecting Your Business From The Dangers Of Winter

The winter months bring in weather systems that can lead to heavy property damage as well as a higher incidence of employee illness, power outages, and the possibility of weather-related closures. Sub-zero temperatures can lead to burst pipes and flooding and leave business owners dealing with an expensive clean-up. These dangerous conditions can also increase the risk of employees, customers, or clients slipping and falling...

Preparing for Dangerously Cold Temperatures

Brrrr! Are you ready for these dropping temperatures? The forecast is predicting dangerously low temperatures for our area and with the cold weather comes issues with frozen and bursting pipes. Do you know how to prevent freezing pipes in your home? Here are steps you can take right now, so it is less likely to happen to you! Keep garage doors closed if there are...

Skipping The Dentist Can Put Your Health At Risk

Most of us don't look forward to a trip to the dentist. However, caring for your teeth and gums is a crucial part of maintaining overall health. Research over the past decade has revealed links between tooth and gum health and several serious medical conditions. A recent study found that 40 percent of people who suffered gum disease were more likely to have another chronic...